package Pitonyak::DeepCopy;


=head1 NAME

Pitonyak::DeepCopy - Copy an object reference with new copies, even if it contains references.


C<use Pitonyak::DeepCopy;>
C<my $new_hash_ref = Pitonyak::DeepCopy::deep_copy(\%original_hash);>


Assume the hash A% contains a hash.
Now, copy the elements from A% into B%.

The obvious solution enumerates the keys and assigns the value from
A% to B%. Something like this:

C<foreach (keys A%) $B{$_} = $A{$_};>

Unfortunately, the contained hash is a reference, %A and %B both reference
the same hash. In other words, if you modify the contained hash in %A or %B,
you change it in both.

The proper solution is obtained using

C<my $hash_ref = Pitonyak::DeepCopy::deep_copy(\%A);>


Copyright 1998-2009, Andrew Pitonyak

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 Modification History

=head2 September 01, 2002

Version 1.00 First release

=head2 September 10, 2002

Version 1.01 Changed internal documentation to POD documentation. Added parameter checking.

=head2 January 18, 2007

Version 1.02 Updated POD and reformatted.

=head2 January 18, 2007

Version 1.03 Removed reference to Carp library, because it is not used.

=head1 Methods


require Exporter;
$VERSION   = '1.03';
@ISA       = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT    = qw();
@EXPORT_OK = qw(deep_copy);

use strict;



=head2 deep_copy

=over 4

=item C<< deep_copy(ref_to_object) >>

Accept a reference to an object and return a reference to a new copy of the object.

C<$copy_ref = deep_copy(\%hash_ref);>




sub deep_copy
  # if not defined then return it
  return undef if $#_ < 0 || !defined( $_[0] );

  # if not a reference then return the parameter
  return $_[0] if !ref( $_[0] );
  my $obj = shift;
  if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $obj, 'SCALAR' ) )
    my $temp = deepcopy($$obj);
    return \$temp;
  elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $obj, 'HASH' ) )
    my $temp_hash = {};
    foreach my $key ( keys %$obj )
      if ( !defined( $obj->{$key} ) || !ref( $obj->{$key} ) )
        $temp_hash->{$key} = $obj->{$key};
        $temp_hash->{$key} = deep_copy( $obj->{$key} );
    return $temp_hash;
  elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $obj, 'ARRAY' ) )
    my $temp_array = [];
    foreach my $array_val (@$obj)
      if ( !defined($array_val) || !ref($array_val) )
        push ( @$temp_array, $array_val );
        push ( @$temp_array, deep_copy($array_val) );
    return $temp_array;
  # ?? I am uncertain about this one
  elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $obj, 'REF' ) )
    my $temp = deepcopy($$obj);
    return \$temp;
  # I guess that it is either CODE, GLOB or LVALUE
    return $obj;

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